Written on June 21, 2009.....16.1 miles. The bridge into Portomarin.
Photo courtesy of http://www.ourcamino.com/
The path was fairly level until we arrived at Sarria and climbed many stairs to reach the old section and past the Church of Santa Marina. As we walked through the Medieval Center and out of Sarria to cross a bridge and move into the country we noticed many more pilgrims than we normally do at 7:30 in the morning. I then remembered that Sarria is 118 k (73 miles) from Santiago. A Compestela (certificate of completion) is given when a pilgrim presents a pilgrim passport stamped at 100 k or more. Although we walked through Sarria with many more pilgrims we were soon alone making our way to a Romanesque church in Velante. Yes, the church was open! Now as we are close to 100 k we also need to be mindful to get two sellos (stamps) a day on our pilgrim passports. We always receive one a day at an albergue, hostal, hotel, or pension. We now will add one from a church, cathedral, or bar.
As we have entered the Providence of Galicia we notice less storks, and now churches are surrounded by yards with crypts. As we leave the church our path is now in a stream. Long granite stepping stones have been placed in the center of the stream and with walking sticks in hand we carefully make our way on the stones consciously not to get our boots wet.
We stop at Ferreiros a small village with a great restaurant/ bar and order food for our lunch. Within an hour of leaving Ferreiros we want to find a shady place to nap. We don´t, instead I quickly let the three hard candies in my pocket melt in my mouth. Vern and I encourage each other to keep hydrated and to keep going as the day is getting hotter. We continue through Vilacha a small village. No life visible. Then we come to a long bridge over the river, the wind is blowing and the air is cool off the river. In front of us are many stairs to Portomarin. I take a deep breath and start the climb without looking up. Soon I am at the top. A pilgrim who started earlier in the day seems to be having trouble catching her breath and is being attended to . We head to the plaza where the Church of San Nicolas is and find our pension.
We check in and soon we´re taking a nap. When I wake up Vern is gone. He soon comes back to let me know that Colby, Shannon, and Talis are downstairs at the outdoor cafe in front of our pension. I want to see them, but remember that I made them a promise. I told them that I would write a rap for them as soon as I could. So before I go downstairs and not quite awake I start a rap for them.
When I see them I let them know that it is just the beginning of the rap and I will complete it later. I ask Colby for his hat so I can put it on backwards.
On the internet in the cafe..
you´re from California, Ay?
And you´re from Canada in
Carrion de los Condes?
I´m Vern, that´s Nancy,
that´s Liz, Shannon, I´m Colby.
One foot larger than another...
shoes hurt like a Mother!!
We´re moving down the road
to hook up with Talis...
in Leon we´ll deal with this mess...
to be continued...
As Vern and I explore the town we discover Iglesia San Pedro at the end of town with the original doorway. It is a chapel compared to the larger church in town. There is a beautiful park near the chapel. It is a good place to sit and enjoy a good rest.
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