Written on June 13, 2009.....13.3 miles.
Again while leaving another city we were confused by the lack of waymarkers. Just at that moment Julia and Gregario came by as they had done several times before.
Each time we would see them I could feel the connection between the four of us become stronger.
This morning in their deliberate, slow Spanish..(for our benefit) they let us know that they were finishing this phase of their Camino and would be going back home to Madrid.
The communication between the four of us had been accomplished with our limited Spanish, their limited English and a true desire between us all to convey and receive friendship.
Vern and I continued on taking a break in El Ganso. I was noticing that the last couple of villages had an "Eastern" feel to them. One village had an homeopathic Doctor. Another village had a bar that was playing East Indian music and burning incense.
As we were taking our break in El Ganso a group of pilgrims on bicycles from Belgium stopped to talk with us. As we were all sharing where we were from and where we started the Camino their support vehicle pulled up. As introductions were being made one of the bicyclists introduced the older gentleman in the vehicle as the Pope. The gentleman being introduced as the Pope seemed to enjoy it and proceeded to "bless" our feet. The driver jumped out and wanted to take a picture of us to show others what people from California are doing.
As we were walking into Rabanal a herd of sheep were crossing the road, we waited and then proceeded into the village. The hostals were filling up so we continued further into the village. We found one in the center of the village. The hospitalier was very friendly and showed us where to wash and hang out our clothes. Our room was on Calle Mayor, (the main street). We had a beautiful view of the mountains and we could see pilgrims as they were coming into the village.
As I was hanging out my clothes I heard music coming from a chapel. I went inside and enjoyed the music and the beauty of the chapel.
Lisa was staying in the same village. She spent some time with us while we were finishing our dinner. We asked her how life was "after the broom". She laughed and said life is good.
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