Written on June 12, 2009....18.7 miles.
We left at 6 a.m. and were shedding clothes by 9 a.m. We walked many miles before we found a bar....walked over the longest rock bridge yet, (Puente de Orbigo), Rio Orbigo. This beautiful bridge dates from the 13th century and was built over an older existing Roman bridge.
We started taking more breaks due to the heat. Our friend Lisa was walking along as we were taking a break, we continued into Astorga with her.
When we arrived in San Justo de la Vegas I took my shirt off and held it under a water fount......put it quickly back on and enjoyed being cooled down. We went to the nearest bar and I ordered my first descafenado con hielo, (iced coffee).
Vern and I continued to Astorga, Lisa moved ahead to find the albergue.
We walked through plazas and past shops to find the albergue, St. Javier. We found two top bunks that were available.
As I was taking my shower a massage therapist went through the albergue to ask pilgrims if they wanted a massage. Lisa signed up and was able to get her massage while we headed for dinner.
While we were finishing our dinner in a hotel around the corner Lisa came in to join us...she was glowing and smiling. She loved her massage....1 1-2 hours for 10 euros...$14.50!!!
As we were having our dessert we were all talking about our walk in the morning out of Villar de Mazarife. Vern and I talked about the beautiful sunrise and other aspects of the morning. Lisa started smiling and said that she saw a man sweeping as she was leaving her albergue. A young man sweeping very good!! She was smiling so much and her face getting red...then she told us he was sweeping without clothes. Vern told her that her life will now be defined by b.b. (before broom) and a.b. (after broom).
After dinner I went to my bed. After a short time my leg cramped up....I got down from the top bunk the best I could and went to the bathroom to get hot water to put on my leg. As I was putting hot water on my leg Lisa saw me and came over to see what was going on. She immediately pulled a one dose packet of magnesium out of her fanny pack and told me to take it without water. I went back to bed. Again after falling asleep for a short time my leg felt like it was trying to cramp again. I had remembered seeing two full size mattress pads near the reception area. I thought that I better get off of the top bunk while I could. At the same time I was getting downstairs to the mattress pad another pilgrim was looking for a cooler place to sleep. I had a great nights sleep thanks to friendship and support on the Camino.
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