Clam shell in sidewalk.. Monastery San Marcos
Written on June 11, 2009....14.4 miles.
As we were leaving Leon yellow markers were non-existent. We had to closely look for brass clam shells embedded in the sidewalks. It was dark so we had our headlamps on. We crossed a street and started to head off of the Camino. A gentleman in a truck stopped in the middle of the street and ran over to let us know that we were off the Camino....derecho, derecho!! a San Marcos!! (straight, straight to San Marcos). We didn´t have any idea what San Marcos was. A few blocks later again we weren´t sure where we were....here comes Julia and Gregario from Madrid who we have seen many times before. They speak a little English and we speak a little Spanish...they guided us to San Marcos, an ancient monastery dedicated to St. Mark. It began as a pilgrim hospital in the 12th century, it then became the headquarters of the Knights of the order of Santiago which was formed to protect the pilgrim way. It is now a five star hotel. Gregario asked at the desk if we could go to the courtyard and look at the sculptures. Just the building and grounds would be an experience to explore and spend time at. We are grateful for the glimpse that we had of the art work and interior of San Marcos.
Thank you Julia and Gregario...you gave us a gift of exploration and put us back on the Camino.
Once we were back on the right track we walked for several hours in the suburbs of Leon. There were three Camino options today the recommended and two alternatives. We took the recommended. We walked thru villages and farmland. A great walk to Villar de Mazarife. And again Nicky passed us......we met him soon in a bar.
Once we arrived at Villar de Mazarife we stayed at Tio Pepe´s, an hostal across from a church. We can see many storks on the top of the church from our window.
Vern saw Lisa while she was on the computer downstairs...she invited us to her albergue, Refugio de Jesus. When we arrived Jesus was singing to background music, he was very good. Nicky was staying there also....small Camino. While there we met our first pilgrim from San Francisco, Matt.
I love the location of our hostal across from the main plaza, church, water fountain (fuente) and stork family.
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