Written on June 7, 2009.....16.6 miles.
As of today we have been on the Camino for three weeks. Two days off...one in Pamplona and one in Fromista. We have walked 225 miles. All mileage is calculated from the book that we are using as a guide. I intentionally left my pedometer in Estella. It was taking up too much room in my pocket.
Today we walked eleven miles before we reached a village. We had food with us. Nick and Luke passed us on the Camino. Luke had bought new sandals to walk in to give his toes a break. So far he was doing well.
I am grateful for the cool weather to walk in. I seem to have much more stamina in the cooler weather. Today we walked many miles on rocks and dirt to asphalt and pavement. We´ve really hit a stride. We´re arriving in most villages earlier than we thought we would.....we do leave at 6 a.m. The book that we are using only showed one albergue in Terradillos de los Templarios. When we arrived we found a brand new one at the entrance of the village.
Many villages are busy building and opening albergues and bars in anticipation of 2010, a Holy year. The expected number of pilgrims is 250,000. Four million people are expected to go to Santiago to see the Pope on July 25, 2010.
Love the wild flowers