Written on May 29, 2009.......8 miles
For the first time on the Camino we stayed at a hostel until the last minute. At 8 a.m. everyone must leave. Santo Domingo de la Calzada is one of two post offices that I had mailed health supplements to before we left home. The Correos (post office) opens at 8:30 a.m. I went in with my picture ID. and with my best Spanish and asked if they had an envelope for me....and they did!! Yes, I was so stoked. I used the last of my supplements yesterday. Now I have protein powder, sports drink powder, seaweed powder, emergen-c packets and muscle re-builder. I believe that these supplements and 2 1-2 to 3 liters of water a day has helped my feet stay healthy and free of chicken eyes, (blisters). It´s added weight to my backpack, but well worth it.
As we left Santo Domingo de la Calzada we were fascinated by large birds again. This time we clearly saw that the birds are not eagles but storks. Many high posts are placed for the birds to make their nests on. We were so focused on the birds that we took a wrong turn and went right instead of straight. Sometime down the road we figured out how to get back on track.
Due to our late start we decided to cut our walk today to 8 miles. We have found a hostel with wash tubs, clotheslines, a bar, the internet, and pilgrim meals.
The Camino way of life is fully a moment by moment exercise in letting go. There is a definite fellowship that develops in the acceptance of others. Language is not as important as one may think. Ideas and well wishes are conveyed without knowing exactly what one is saying. The term of endearment on the Camino is ¨Buen Camino¨, ¨Buenas Dias¨! Farmers, construction workers, Priests, fellow pilgrims...everyone wishes all pilgrims the very best.
In the last two days I have been in two of the most beautiful churches I have ever seen. The feeling of peace in the churches is amazing considering there are many people talking and walking around. The art work and detail are truly works of love.
For the first time on the Camino we stayed at a hostel until the last minute. At 8 a.m. everyone must leave. Santo Domingo de la Calzada is one of two post offices that I had mailed health supplements to before we left home. The Correos (post office) opens at 8:30 a.m. I went in with my picture ID. and with my best Spanish and asked if they had an envelope for me....and they did!! Yes, I was so stoked. I used the last of my supplements yesterday. Now I have protein powder, sports drink powder, seaweed powder, emergen-c packets and muscle re-builder. I believe that these supplements and 2 1-2 to 3 liters of water a day has helped my feet stay healthy and free of chicken eyes, (blisters). It´s added weight to my backpack, but well worth it.
As we left Santo Domingo de la Calzada we were fascinated by large birds again. This time we clearly saw that the birds are not eagles but storks. Many high posts are placed for the birds to make their nests on. We were so focused on the birds that we took a wrong turn and went right instead of straight. Sometime down the road we figured out how to get back on track.
Due to our late start we decided to cut our walk today to 8 miles. We have found a hostel with wash tubs, clotheslines, a bar, the internet, and pilgrim meals.
The Camino way of life is fully a moment by moment exercise in letting go. There is a definite fellowship that develops in the acceptance of others. Language is not as important as one may think. Ideas and well wishes are conveyed without knowing exactly what one is saying. The term of endearment on the Camino is ¨Buen Camino¨, ¨Buenas Dias¨! Farmers, construction workers, Priests, fellow pilgrims...everyone wishes all pilgrims the very best.
In the last two days I have been in two of the most beautiful churches I have ever seen. The feeling of peace in the churches is amazing considering there are many people talking and walking around. The art work and detail are truly works of love.
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